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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Skin Aging Causes and precautions

Skin Aging Causes and precautions

Skin aging is a natural process that happens to us over the time. We all experience some changes in our skin like wrinkles, lines, etc. with the passage of time and our skin loses the touch of youth. This type of aging is called �intrinsic aging� and it is beyond our control. There is another type of aging that we can control and we can save our skin from aging faster and it is known as �extrinsic aging�.  This type of aging depends on our lifestyle and environmental factors that damage our skin and causes faster aging. Here are some causes of skin aging and some precautions to avoid faster skin aging.

Causes Of Skin Aging

Sunlight exposure

The main cause of faster aging of our skin is the exposure to sunlight. Sunlight contains harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiations that have the ability to penetrate and damage our cells. The exposure to sunlight for a long time can cause sunburn and can trigger the faster aging of cells.

Facial expressions

Another reason of skin aging is the repetition of some facial expressions. Facial expressions involve contractions of some muscles and it causes some lines to appear on our face. When we use same facial expressions for a long period of time then these lines becomes permanent on our face and because of these lines, we look older than our actual age.


Smoking not only damages our lungs but our skin is also greatly affected by smoking. Not only the smoker but the person sitting next to the smoker is also affected by the harmful smoke. Cigarette smoke causes dryness and is a major cause of wrinkles on our face.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep causes dark circles, wrinkles and bags under our eyes. Our skin ages faster and we look older when we have wrinkles on our face.

Cold weather

We should protect our skin from cold weather as it is very damaging for our skin. Cold conditions cause dryness and our skin ages faster than usual because of it.

Lack of exercise

Another main reason for skin aging is the lack of exercise as it affects the circulation of blood and we look older and tired.

Use of Alcohol

Alcohol damages the skin by dilating the blood vessels in the skin. These blood vessels in the skin are permanently damaged with time and give a very rough look to our skin.


Avoid sun exposure

We can protect our skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun just by using sunscreens, hats and umbrellas. We should also keep our skin cover by clothes when going out in the sunlight.

Eat Healthy Diet

We should eat healthy food in order to prevent our skin from aging faster. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables prevents the damage of the cells that causes skin aging. We should avoid the diet containing a lot of sugar as it is also damaging to the cells in our skin.

Exercise daily

We should include exercise in our daily routine if we want to stay young for a long time. Exercise improves the circulation of blood in our body and keeps our skin fresh and young.

Wash your face

If we want to keep our young look, then we should wash our face once or twice a day. Sweating can also damage the skin if our face is left unwashed. So after sweating, we should wash our face to get rid of all the waste substances on the skin.

Stop Smoking

Cigarette smoke is a major cause of premature skin aging and we should stop smoking if we want to retain our young look for a long time.
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Related : Skin Aging Causes and precautions


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