Health is the most important thing in your life

Thursday, September 29, 2016

14 habits that work like remedies

14 Habits That Work Like Remedies

Nowadays health issues are increasing rapidly and behind this dangerous effect of human life is that people don�t care about their health. Usually every day new disease discovered. I know you are scared, but don�t worry today we discuss some simple food eat habits that work like remedies. You never need to change your whole diet plan you just need to cultivate some new habits in the exchange of bad habits. I show you which type of bad habits you need to stop.

5 Bad Habits

  1. Smoking
  2. Watching T.V or using internet late night.
  3. Over sleep.
  4. Eating fast food, even you have a choice to eat healthy food.
  5. Never go for exercise.

These are really too bad habits and if you see anyone in yourself then must stop.
Now let's discuss 14 habits that work like remedies.


Banana is a sweet fruit and a lot of people like this dessert. It will control blood circulation in your body and also helps to maintain the body sugar level in your body. This is best remedies for you if you have blood pressure problem. Eating a banana can reduce feelings of nausea.


Cashew is like a dry fruit, but its benefits are uncountable. The main advantage of adopting this habit is that your body blood pressure will never rise too high or never too low. It's mean that it will stabilize your blood pressure in normal level. The second benefits are that it will give protein and calcium to your body. You can eat cashew in your snacks and also use in your food recipe. If you don�t know that the cashew food recipe, then read my site food recipes. You must find some best recipe on it and also enjoy.


This is not a fruit or not a dry fruit. It is a special type of ingredients that use in a different food recipe. But if you drink cumin only then you never know about the advantages. Cumin is not available in liquid form. It is also a solid ingredient, but if you want to eat just cumin then you need to mix cumin in water then drink. Cumin water drinking every morning is a very good habit and it will help to reduce weight. It will lose your belly fat and give you slim body shape. I hope you understand the advantages and now you must use cumin in your morning.


This is also a dry fruit and not easily available. Eating walnuts in every evening is a very good habit and it prevents cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease is a famous disease in Asia and Asian people will die every day because of this dangerous disease. If you want to protect yourself and your family, then must adopt eating walnuts habit.


You know well about the lemon and the benefits of lemon, but today I show some new benefits of eating a lemon.  Sometimes you feel bad and dehydrated then you need to drink 1 glass of lemon water with salt. This is perfect remedies and it will also help your body to maintain the salt level in your body.


I observe that people like to eat watermelon in summer when the sun is full shining and hot air blowing. Watermelon is cold fruit and it helps your body to reduce the temperature of your body. Water lemon is very good remedies for kidney diseases people because it will hydrate your body and you feel good. 


Almond is very good for the nervous system. It will give some extra energy to your brain to do work well. Almond is also a favorite dry fruit of kids. I suggest you to give almonds to your kids in every morning with milk. Use only fat-free milk. Almonds are available in different types, but use only high-quality almond i never suggest eating almond only once. You need to make your habit of eating almonds daily in morning or water ever you like. You get real befits of almond eating when you eat almonds daily.


Scientifically proved that grapes are very good for your brain health. Eating grapes in your snacks are the best habit to boost your brain power.


Kiwi is good for digestion. It will help you to digest every hard food. Hard food means heavy, full of fatty food. You need to eat kiwi at evening in once or twice a week. 


Buttermilk is little bit fat drink, but it will never increase your fat level too high. I suggest you use buttermilk in your breakfast. Buttermilk is also cool down your body and your system. Buttermilk has also a lot of more advantages that you never think about. If you really that to adopt some new healthy habits, then must adopt buttermilk habit to drink buttermilk in your breakfast.

Plain sodas

When to eat too much food and your stomach has not able to digest easily and you feel upset then you must need to drink plain sodas. It is not an energy drink, but it helps your stomach a lot. But don not make your habit of drinking plain sodas.


You see that pistachio is also used in many sweet dishes. I hope you like pistachio because it has a lot of unbelievable benefits. Pistachio nuts help you to maintain cholesterol level. I observe that kid like this nut very much. It has available in 2 different types. One is salty pistachio and other is not. Kids like salty pistachio.


Every doctor suggests that eat an apple daily. Apple has some different and amazing advantages. I suggest you if you never like to eat apples, then try to cook some recipe with apples and also drink apple shake. Apple protects your heart and also stable your cholesterol level too.


It is also like a dry fruit, but its uses are different from all. Some people use apricot in sweet dishes and some people likes to eat just apricot as snacks. Apricot helps to prevent 2 type diabetes. 

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Related : 14 habits that work like remedies


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