Health is the most important thing in your life

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Health, Fitness, And Wellness

Health, Fitness, And Wellness

There are 2 main components of fitness are best for everyone.
  1. Primary components of fitness
  2. Secondary components of fitness

Primary components of fitness

Primary components of fitness, you will find out four major parts of fitness. These parts will show you about the importance of fitness and health.

Cardio-respiratory Capacity

As you read in the first component name first word part �cardio�. Cardio mean heart and cardio-respiratory capacity mean heart rate. You know that heart is the very sensitive organ of your body. If your heart allows you to do hard work, then you eligible to do any work, but if you have heart disease then you are not fit physically and biologically. Basically cardio-respiratory capacity is aerobic capacity. Aerobic capacity includes aerobic, strength, aerobic power, and aerobic endurance.

Muscle capacity

Muscles capacity is the power of your muscles. Mean to say that the capacity of your muscles and how much work you can do. Muscles are the most important organ of your body. As you know that most body builders must focus on muscles capacity. Muscle energy is necessary for your health and fitness.


Flexibility means the range of movement of muscles. How much you move your body and how much time you consume for movement. Movement is a basic part of fitness. Another name of the exercise is movement.

Body composition

In the proportion of fat mass and fat-free mass is called body composition. Fat mass includes tissues under the skin and around the body. Fat-free mass includes bones, blood, muscles, and fluids of the body.

       Secondary components of fitness

Secondary components of fitness are also called performance-based fitness. It includes all physical activities that are necessary for daily functionality. Athletes face different activities for their health improvement and well performance. You should never ignore secondary components of fitnessbecause it is much more important than primary.
These are seven secondary components.


Balance means to stay your body on the dynamic move. The balance will increase the capacity of your movement and also rotate your body in different angles.


Coordination is the name of movement using maximum body parts. For example (when you run your foot's muscles, your hands, your elbows and also your neck move and it is very good exercise.)


It is a special type of movement force. It allows you to change the direction in any angle only in few seconds.

Reaction time

It is a response of your body in an emergency situation. For example: when you touch the hot thing with your hands, like boiling water you quickly back to your hand. This is a response of your body without any plan. It is called reaction time.


As you know the speed means the minimum time of movement. Another name of speed is velocity. Velocity mean rate of change in motion is called �velocity�.


Power is a combination of your strength and speed. Power is also a product of force.

Mental capability 

The mental capability is a special ability to concentrate on your exercise and during exercise feel better and enjoy exercise. It is also very important because if you enjoy exercise, then it's very easy for your body to get the benefits of exercise.

Health and Wellness

Health is the most important for your life. You know the weak person never live a long life and the healthy person lives a long life. I show you 3 major tips that help you to get good health.


  1. You need to do exercise daily without an absence.
  2. Eat only healthy and pure food that you like. (Fruits, green vegetables, eggs, milk etc.)
  3. Sleep at the time.

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