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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Top 7 Fitness Trends Are Set To Dominate 2017

The new year is coming and the new trends are also coming. Today we will discuss some new trends about fitness. These new trends are designed in American college of sports medicine. These are very helpful and amazing fitness activities. After the survey of the ACSM�s team, they dominated some new fitness trends for 2017. These are shown in below.
  1. Exercise for weight loss program
The combination of exercise with weight loss program is very good and best. First of all, we discuss exercise. As you know that exercise is most important for everyone who want to see his body fit and active, even kids, adults, toddlers and older. I mean to say that special exercise is available for all ages. The second part is weight loss. As you know that nowadays the most popular trend is fast food. Everyone like to eat fast food and that�s why the disease is increased rapidly in our human body. So if you really want to lose your weight, then forget eating fast food and concentrate on eating healthy food. Then you need to adopt some special exercise , including weight loss activates.
  1. Personal trainer for everyone
A personal trainer is also important and it is on top 10 of ACSMs. Basically, a personal trainer is a person who teaches you about your every exercise and gives you tips to improve your body fitness. Usually, every fitness club has a professional personal trainer.
  1. Yoga training
Yoga is also a type of exercise. Every year the trend of yoga is increased, especially house wife's and older like yoga. This is a very easy exercise, but super helpful. It will make your brain free and remove all the stress.
  1. Group exercise
This is specially designed for women. This is not only for women even men also like group training. This is really effective and motivated. The main benefit of group training is that when 2 or more people start exercising in the same place they will learn a lot of things from each other. This is the first time dominated at ACSM�s top 20.
  1. Strength Training
Strength training is very popular in most fitness clubs and health sector for all kinds of clients. This is important and also its trend is in top 10 and strength training is continually dominated in last years ACSM�s top 10.
  1. Body Weight Training for fitness
Body weight training is an old trend, but effective, that�s why ACSM�s dominated it on top 10. The basic and main benefit of this training is that a client will know about his weight and also understand why his weight low or high. This is very good exercise and popular. In some last year like 2013, it trend  comes down and people interest is very low in this exercise, but some people working on it for making it fashionable and spin into fashionable. Now suddenly it�s a real trend come and it becomes hottest fitness trend.
  1. Wearable Amazing Gadgets
Some fitness clubs provide some gadgets and also recommend to use gadgets like heart rate monitoring watches, smart watch, GPS tracking, etc. After a survey of ACSM�s they dominated it on top 10. This is also very good for technology, providing companies even it gains millions of dollars from it.
You can see that in these 7 trends some are new and some old, but only those are added that have the ability to make the human body fit and active. So I think these are very good and helpful.

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Related : Top 7 Fitness Trends Are Set To Dominate 2017


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